Norms & Values - “Breaking the Habit”
"Social norms are the unwritten rules of behavior that are considered acceptable in a group or society. Norms have a powerful influence on behavior in how we interact with objects and with one another."
These vessels were made to reflect social norms around cellphone use at the table.
The three iterations each have the same function, but use different visual language. Each vessel traps the device inside with no easy way to retrieve it. Similar to a piggy bank, one would have to go to great lengths to get it. The vessels are made to look delicate and precious to refrain from destruction/ retrieving the phone. The surface design on each vessel alludes to the power button symbol.
Cube - Sharp and Dangerous
Sphere - Piggy Bank
Dish - Locking Lid
The vessels act as a means of conversation, will you be breaking the vessel or breaking the habit?
Object Type: Ceramics
Material: Ceramic, Glaze
Processes Used: Plaster Mold Making, Slip Casting, Wheel Throwing, Slab Building, Hand Building